Do you know that the biodiversity crisis is looming over Canada too with the declining wildlife species as per the Living Plant Report, Canada? You can be a part in protecting the wildlife, especially when you find an abandoned, injured, sick or orphaned wildlife animal or a bird in your neighborhood. When spring is approaching, your role of helping such baby wildlife is not far behind. If you are clueless about what to do when you find a baby wildlife animal, you are on the right page to know the details:
Whether the animal needs help?
It may not be uncommon to find a baby animal alone and an animal found alone is not orphaned either always. In case it is unharmed and alone, there are chances that the parent might be around. You can wait and watch from a distance and ensure that other animals and people are kept away. This will allow the mother animal or bird to join the baby. However, if you observe the animal is injured by accident or human activity or a striking window or the parent being killed, it is time for you to act immediately.
Natural habitat
In case you notice the injury, wound, and unresponsiveness when you approach the animal, it is time for you to leave the baby in the natural habitat and keep distance without further interference. This is always a preferred option for normal behavior and survival. There are chances of reuniting with the natural parents who are the best option for raising the animal. You need to venture of undertaking this job unless you are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
Wildlife rehabilitator
Without trying to treat or handle the animal, you can call the licensed wildlife rehabilitator or the local wildlife rescue center, animal shelter, zoo, etc.for capturing the animal. You should know that a vet license does not permit him to handle the wildlife animal. However, he might be able to guide you about the details of the authorized rehab centers, etc.
Desist from keeping it as a pet
You may love the baby wildlife animal. However, keeping the rescued animal as a pet is incorrect. The animal should be allowed to live wild and free in the natural habitat. The State laws might also not allow raising a wild animal as a pet.
It is indeed heartening that Canada has an easily guided source of province wise contacts for proper direction of wildlife rehab of the area. It would be wiser to contact them for any guidance and help in case you are unsure.